Lesson 2: Basic Doodling Techniques

 Lesson 2: Basic Doodling Techniques

A common practice in basic doodling is to start with basic shapes, such as squares, circles, or lines, and then progressively add to them. To add depth and texture, try your hand at shading, cross-hatching, or stippling. You can practice hand-eye coordination, artistic expression, and letting your imagination run wild while doodling in an organized or free-form manner. It's also a great tool for mind-calming and brainstorming.

Here are the basic doodling techniques: 

1. Shapes and Lines: Start with basic shapes like circles, squares, triangles, and lines. Combine and overlap these shapes to create simple doodle patterns.

2. Patterns and Designs: Explore various patterns like dots, swirls, waves, and hatching. Experiment with these patterns to fill in shapes and create textures.

3. Freeform Doodling: Encourage students to let their imagination flow freely. Start with a random squiggle or line and build around it. Allow the doodles to evolve without any specific plan.

4. Adding Detail: Show how adding small details or accents can enhance a doodle. This might include tiny flowers, stars, or miniature objects.

5. Use of Lines and Thickness: Teach the importance of varying line thickness to add depth and dimension to doodles. Experiment with different pens or markers to achieve this effect.

Basic doodling techniques serve as building blocks for artistic expression. Experimenting with lines, shapes, patterns, and textures cultivates creativity, enabling doodlers to develop their unique style and create captivating visual narratives. Practicing these fundamentals not only refines artistic skills but also serves as a therapeutic outlet for self-expression and relaxation.

For those beginners who want to make a doodling illustration you can watch this tutorial

Click this link to watch the video! 




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